How to run local server in android

Adding Library

We are assuming that you have already created your project. So lets skip that part. We are going add a library. Open your app level build.gradle and add this line: implementation 'com.nanohttpd:nanohttpd-webserver:+' and sync it.

Start/Stop Server

We have to create a class extending another class named NanoHTTPD and then implement the serve method and override the Constructor. Here is the code:

import fi.iki.elonen.NanoHTTPD;

public class LocalStreamingServer extends NanoHTTPD{
    public LocalStreamingServer(int port){

    public Response serve(IHTTPSession session){
        String msg = "<html><body><h1>Hello server</h1>\n";
        Map<String, String> parms = session.getParms();
        if (parms.get("username") == null) {
            msg += "<form action='?' method='get'>\n  <p>Your name: <input type='text' name='username'></p>\n" + "</form>\n";
        } else {
            msg += "<p>Hello, " + parms.get("username") + "!</p>";
        return newFixedLengthResponse(msg + "</body></html>\n");
You can see that the serve method is returning some html data. When you visit the link the browser will render the data.So in this method you have to handle the various kind requests. You can use this class like below:
LocalStreamingServer server = new LocalStreamingServer(4990);
    //Log.e("local", server.get + " asdf");
}catch(IOException e){
and to stop you use server.stop().After starting the server open browser in your phone and go to localhost:4990 there you will see some results. Congratulation, your done.